Friday, September 01, 2006

Opening Day Schedule

Who's ready to play?

Here are the matchups for Tuesday, September 5th, 2006. Please be prompt as we don't want to have to rush!

First game:

Junkiebone (Joel & Doug) vs. Weenie Beenie (Jess & Nate)

Second game:

Lollipop Guild (JParm & JBrown) vs. Ted Nougat (Adam York & Guido)

Get your ticket and we'll see you out there!

- artwork copywright 2006 Michael Clemens

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Teams Announced!

With no ado whatsoever, here are your Tippett Studio Pong Tournament 2006 teams!

Toss It:
Jean Shen and Mike Brunet

Joel Friesch and Doug Epps

The Dooze:
Blaise Panfalone and Jonny Tal

The Lollipop Guild:
Jason Armstrong and James Brown

Weenie Beenie:
Jess Vickery and Nate Reid

Tres Huevos:
Jance Rubinchik and Michael Clemens

Roscoe P. Coltrane:
Jeremie Talbot and Chuck Duke

Steven Quinones-Colon and Kirk Larkins

El Vez:
Will Groebe and Robert Alves

Lunar Platoon:
Morgan Loomis and Tom Gibbons

Ted Nougat:
Adam York and Guido Muzzarelli

Cannon Fodder:
Jim Meyer and Davy Wentworth

Please note that this will be the last time I use people's full names for the duration of the tournament, maybe the duration of my life. There is no "Jason Armstrong," only "JParm."

Our First Fan

If you check the comments section of the "Participant Pool" posting, you'll see a note from someone named "donna." Apparently "donna" is ready to get this thing started! I am, too.

Teams will be posted this afternoon!

Schedules will be posted tomorrow!

Games will start in earnest on Monday!

Let's go!

And let's give a warm welcome to "donna." We're glad to have you aboard.

Two New Players!

Please welcome Davy Wentworth and Jim Meyer to the tournament. No, really. You should welcome them. They have very graciously joined for the sole purpose of rounding out the field to twelve teams, instead of the uneven eleven. They have admitted their lack of pong expertise up front and are entering purely altruistically.

Well done, gents. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cub Photographer Appointed

Based on his stellar work during last year's tournament, our own Eric Marko has been named Official Photographer of Tippett Studio Pong Tournament 2006. Hail, hail!

For those of you who don't know Marko, you need know only one thing: Marko is often referred to as the new Telly Savalas, because like Telly, whatever Marko wants, Marko gets.

Who loves you, baby?

Participant Pool

We're mere days away from Opening Ceremonies for Tippett Studio Pong Tournament 2006! Here are your players:

Jean Shen
Guido Muzzarelli
Mike Brunet
Joel Friesch
Tom Gibbons
Doug Epps
Jonny Tal
Adam York
Blaise Panfalone
Morgan Loomis
Robert Alves
Will Groebe
Jason Armstrong
Kirk Larkins
Jess Vickery
Steven Quinones-Colon
James Brown
Chuck Duke
Nate Reid
Jeremie Talbot
Jance Rubinchik
Michael Clemens

Twenty-two entrants, 11 teams. I can't wait to attempt to wrestle a bracket out of 11 teams. That's going to be fun.

Teams will be randomly chosen and posted very shortly. Stand by. Continue working, of course, but just be ready. You don't have to keep refreshing this site all day. That would be silly.

Thanks to all who are participating. It's going to be a hoot.